Friday, September 19, 2008

more thoughts on friendship (with no associated postulate)

in this article from the simple dollar, i was pleased to discover a kindred spirit in thoughts on friends. like the author, many of my college friends are no longer in close proximity, and also like the author, i chose new friends based on shared activities. that is a good thing, in my book - i have many activity friends, and have developed good friendships through this avenue. and since being active is core to my being, it works out well.

that said, activity friendships can be limiting, because you may have an activity in common but perhaps not a common value system. do you have a high-income golf buddy that spends every cent? a running pal that mocks and belittles others? a bike friend that spends every night at the bar? a multi-sport friend that constantly complains on her blog? ;)

maybe you have a curling friend who is a successful business owner. a hockey friend who is going to graduate school. a book club companion who is very active in her community.

if you have aspirations of being more than mediocre, surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive. if you're content with your life as it is, never mind all this. but should you be on the never-ending path of self improvement, try making some new friends or spend time with the ones who share similar values and goals. it's something you owe to yourself.

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