Thursday, April 3, 2008

the visual resume

my current employer is big on appearances. the dress policy opines that your appearance/attire is your visual resume.

huh. i suppose they're right.

to make it more interesting, they have specific seasonal requirements. in the spring, women are not allowed the luxury of bare shoulders [real example: if you wear a spaghetti strap top you must wear a jacket]. and no birkenstocks [i think i should sue on behalf of all lesbians]. and at no time (not even casual friday) are skorts allowed.

the guys also get their due. it is never acceptable to wear an untucked casual shirt without a collar (dog?).

my favorite rule is for employees in india: men must wear socks, but they are optional for women. freedom, girls, freedom!

so the next time you approach your closet door, think carefully as you select your garb. it's all part of your visual resume.

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