Saturday, September 20, 2008

it's a girl!

introducing my new 4-legged kid, peanut.

she is a terrier mix, about 3-1/2 months old. so far i have determined that she needs a bath *pew* and if she doesn't want to go somewhere, she plays donkey by lying down rather than sitting. and she doesn't know any commands. *sigh*

she knows what no means, though. :)

she is from saint martin (the caribbean). she and her littermates were left in a box for trash pickup. luckily, somebody heard the pups crying and they were saved.

i have half a mind to change her name to eeyore because she likes to play donkey so much.


Ride fast, take chances said...

Awwww... cute baby!! :)


Valerie said...

She's very cute. Congrats!

Snakebite said...

"she is from saint martin (the caribbean)."

So were you in the Caribbean recently and fit the pooch in your carry-on or what's the rest of the story?