Thursday, November 20, 2008

dry spell

i wonder why it is that sometimes i can come up with multiple things in a day to write about, and then for days or weeks on end, i can't come up with anything to say. i'm in a bit of a dry spell on blog ideas. things must be going pretty well, because i'm not finding things to rant on about. but things are also very stable, so i have nothing new to wax poetic about. i'm curling. i'm racquetballing. i'm climbing. yeah, yeah. same as last winter. everybody has already heard about my dog. i'm broke, but i'm not willing to get a job quite yet, so there aren't many sympathy points available.

okay, so one noteable thing. i was in the chiro's office, and i saw my chiro talking to this guy. from the way they were talking, they were obviously friends. the guy turns to look at me, and darned if he wasn't the guy that steve and i got into a fight with on the golf course a few years back (in case you hadn't heard this story, this was literally a fight, with the police showing up and everything. after exchanging words an hour and a half earlier, two guys blindsided steve and coldcocked him by the clubhouse. it was 2 on 1, so i had to help my friend out). it was then i realized why my chiropractor looked kind of familiar. he was one of the foursome.

time to look for a new chiropractor. open to suggestions.