Monday, November 3, 2008

preparing for election day - i wish the candidates would help

it happens every time. i know who to vote for in the senate race (pffft - nobody). i know who to vote for in the presidential race. i know who i want for u.s. and state reps. after that, it gets fuzzy.

who is running for the school board? commissioner? justice? judge? i get to the voting booth and make uninformed choices, because i'm uninformed about the local candidates.

well, this year i decided to be totally prepared, so i went online to see exactly what my ballot will look like. no stopping me now.

except that less than half of the people running for local office even have a web site! this is ridiculous! how can you run for an office - even the school board - without putting together a web site of some sort? it's not expensive, it's not hard, it's just (in my humble opinion) lazy and inexcusable.

if i can't find out about you, it's not very likely i'm going to vote for you. so get with it, you chumps!*

*seems that somebody is ready for the election to be done.

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