Thursday, January 8, 2009

postpone dtv?

ok, the latest news story is that our president-elect wants to postpone the switch from analog to digital broadcasting. that's fine with me. keeps my 4" b/w sony watchman a useful item for a while longer.

however, i think the rationale for the delay is getting a bit over-dramatic. officials are concerned that the government isn't doing enough to help rural, poor and minority communities with the transition.

apparently reminding us every 30 minutes isn't enough.

but wait. the entreaty goes on. according to john podesta, "With coupons unavailable, support and education insufficient, and the most vulnerable Americans exposed, I urge you to consider a change to the legislatively mandated analog cutoff date."

and the most vulnerable americans exposed?!


this isn't some pandemic disease. they're losing their tv signal. big deal. if you want to watch tv that badly, go visit a friend and watch their tv. the social interaction* will do you good.

better yet, get a life. stop watching tv and go for a walk (unless you're scared of losing the fat ass). or play a game with your kids. maybe hit the slopes. or read my blogs. something. anything.

just anything.

*i'm pretty sure gazing at a glowing box while not talking to each other counts as social interaction

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