Friday, June 20, 2008


i was reading that getting a song stuck in your head is the result of a glitch in your auditory cortex. the advice on getting it to stop was to listen to the whole song [let's take a short recess; i have to go download a song onto my ipod and listen to it; we'll reconvene in 30 minutes. i apologize for any inconvenience.] or do some math [x2 + y2 = 16, y-x=4, solve for x and y].*

i wonder if this is the same area of the brain affected when you get a word stuck in your head? if anybody knows, let me know. the word that hijacked my brain this morning was capitulate. it's fun to say. capitulate.


sadly, i couldn't remember what it meant, which was a little aggravating. i have since looked it up and the meaning is: to accept defeat; acquiesce.

so where was i going with that?

so i says to her, i says, queenie...**

*(x,y)=(-4,0) hey, i just made up those equations, and it came out to whole numbers! good job me.
if that wasn't enough math, you can check out the equation that explains why today is the happiest day of the year.
**generic silence filler credited to grandpa haugen

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