Tuesday, June 24, 2008

norm coleman ad

ok, let's first get something straight. i'm not a big fan of norm coleman, and it's quite unlikely that he'll get my vote. but i'm taking some time to write about him for the simple reason that he made me laugh out loud.

a few months ago, there was a story in city pages about "a dumpster-diving expedition by Sen. Norm Coleman that left him sporting a giant gash on his head for last week's State of the Union address. In the post, Coleman claims his actress wife Laurie accidentally tossed an antique lamp that he was then enlisted to retrieve, whacking his head on a "piece of wood" in the process. A couple of questions come to mind about this tale: How does one inadvertently* throw away a lamp? And how does one strike their head on a piece of wood in a dumpster so hard that they "see stars?"

okay, so that's kind of funny in itself. but then i see this ad on tv:

this is a brilliant ad for several reasons. first, it shows his human side - we've all done something klutzy and embarrasing, so we can relate. and empathy gets votes. second, it shows he is able to make light of himself. if you can laugh when the joke is on you, it takes away the power an adversary would otherwise have over you. plus, it shows good self esteem and character. third, if you're not familiar with the background of the story, it makes norm look like a good husband. and last but not least, it's really funny.

this is good stuff.

*spelling of inadvertantly corrected by the editor (aka me)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the background on that - now the ad makes better sense and is good humor.

As far as inadvertently throwing a lamp away...she probably didn't -he probably did (and maybe not inadvertently) and was then ordered to retrieve it. The rest is history.