Monday, June 23, 2008


communication skills are one of our most valuable abilities, as we spend most of our day interacting with others. today's post stems from two driving forces: 1) i am flat out dismayed at the state of communication skills on a regular basis, and 2) i'm kind of having a case of the orneries this morning.

the following is a list of communication shortcomings, accompanied by gentle yet subtle suggestions for correcting said shortcomings. so here goes.

blogs with poor grammar
come on, people. why in the name of all that is sacred would you use a blog as your vehicle of communication if you suck at writing? why, why, why? in case you hadn't heard, god invented podcasts for you. don't thumb your nose at god; change your vehicle of communication.

phone rudeness
get off of the damn phone when you are dining with others. you are being rude, not to mention displaying your lack of good breeding. if you pay attention, you will notice that truly influential people are not slaves to their phones. in fact, by indulging in such bad phone behaviors, you are telling others that you have a little pee pee, and are trying to make up for it with an inflated sense of self-importance.

complete failure to communicate
romantic (and platonic) relationships often suffer from a dearth of communication. but it should be obvious to any being with sense or sensibility that i'm not psychic; if i were, i'd have made a billion dollars in the stock market already. so speak your mind, and quit being passive aggressive.

this is a general communication no-no, but i'm slightly hard of hearing, so this one is exacerbated in my case. i hate having to say "what?" frequently. so if you must say something, say it like you mean it.

have i made myself clear?

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