Wednesday, June 4, 2008


physics says that time slows down as you approach the speed of light. this, of course, begs the question: what would happen as you approach absolute stillness?

anyone? anyone? bueller?*

well, time would obviously go infinitely fast. so...if you achieved absolute stillness, would you span all time? if you could span all time, then you'd be all-knowing. if so, then to be completely still is to be god.

perhaps when we die, leaping from the physical world to the metaphysical, time ceases to exist for us and we become absolutely still and omnipresent and one with god.

but what the heck is time? it's not a force, or anything physical. its only substantial property is that it can be measured. it's what keeps you and me from occupying the same space. aha - so spanning all time would be to engulf all things physical; this kind of makes sense, as mass approaches infinity as you approach the speed of light. so maybe time is god.


i knew it - time is more important than money.

*yes, i know this is physics, not economics

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