Friday, August 29, 2008

another curve ball in the election

maybe since i'm from minnesota, and everybody here was all atwitter about the possibility of pawlenty being the vice presidential candidate, i didn't see this one coming. mccain chose a woman (gov. sarah palin of alaska) for a running mate. this clinches it - no matter who wins, history will be made. it's either our first minority president or the first woman veep.

i give a nod to mccain for his choice. she's cute. :) it's also a smart choice for a couple other reasons (in my relatively ignorant opinion). he may get a few voters who really wanted to see a woman in the white house, and aren't happy with obama's running mate. and if he wants to play the american oil card, he's positioned himself well.

i bought circus peanuts (aka sugar bombs with artificial coloring) in honor of this historic day.

they were fresh. nummy.

i'm still not voting for you, though.

1 comment:

Carmen Marlot said...

I was not surprised that he picked a woman, I was surprised that he did not pick my Condi, what the hell was he thinking. If he had picked Condoleezza Rice even I would have voted for him. She should have ran for president.