Sunday, October 12, 2008

gratuitous post

i need to do a post just out of principle. so put on your blog goggles.*

i'm finally semi-retired again. no more day job, just teaching two classes at hennepin tech. i wish i hadn't still been working at the start of the semester. i want to cry every time i think of how far behind i am on grading.

and the weather has been holding up, but i've still not got the upstairs insulated. or wired, which needs to be done before i can finish insulating. or internally framed, which needs to be done before i can do wiring. on the up side, the outside is almost finished. just a few dabs** of paint left.

on the simple dollar blog, trent reviewed a book called a perfect mess, professing that sometimes disorder is better than order. while i have historically been a pretty tidy person, i've had to learn to live with disarray while in the midst of remodeling. i'll have to check out the book to help me cope. or at least feel better about my loss of order.

until my blogging mojo is back, peace out.

*cousin of beer goggles
** to the untrained eye of someone who is not doing the work

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