Tuesday, October 14, 2008

tough getting old and (more) senile

does it ever happen to you (of course it does, this is a rhetorical question), where you simply can't remember a word? and a fairly common word? i was trying to remember a word earlier, and for the life of me just couldn't come up with it.

it means to not have sex.*

sobriety was the only word coming to mind. obviously not it.

abstinence. yes, you could practice abstinence, but that still wasn't it.

total blank.

about 15 minutes later, the light bulb finally came on.

celibacy! that was it!

good thing i've been senile since birth, or i'd worry that i was losing my marbles.

*yah, i know. why would i even need to use such a word? pretty silly. but anyway.

1 comment:

Ride fast, take chances said...

So, I tried to post a picture, but I guess I can't...

On a Hooters sign, it says

Celibacy is not heriditary
