Thursday, July 17, 2008


i learned something fascinating this morning. even though our brain is a mere 2% of our total body weight, it consumes 20% of our calories.

how come nobody told me this before? i'd have pondered more.

what to do, what to do...

well, to heck with buying the abdominator; write a blog entry instead. and forget about purchasing a treadmill that'll collect dust in the basement; rather, do today's crossword puzzle.

i have a vision of the most popular reality show ever. the biggest loser: sudoku. instead of having leg warmers like the exercise queens of the 80s, contestants will be wearing headbands to warm up their calorie-burning brains.

speaking of tv, this information can only lead to one conclusion: watching tv is double trouble. not only is your body not burning very many calories perched idly at couch command central, your mind isn't doing much, either. the television set could singlehandedly be making us even fatter because we watch mind-numbing, socially isolating shows rather than play interactive, community-building games as our ancestors did. well, darn it, no more! tv will no longer rule my life!*

scrabble, anyone?

*except for days of our lives

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